Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da


Well, I finally got around to using the brush/dip pen combo on something other than Serengeti Street. Shame it's such uninspired subject matter.

Anyhoo, I tried the Hunt 107 again, and found it surprisingly easy to use. Must be getting the hang of these nib things! I really need to get some bristol board, or smoother paper, at least - the stuff I'm using now feels like bog roll if I press too hard with the pen point, and it snags like a bastard.


Captain John said...

Yeah sorry about missing sport, I'm pissed right now so tomorrow will probably be out the window too.

Anonymous said...

This looks really good. By the way, how many radios have you smashed since I last saw you?


truelateral said...

I like You and Yours. Don't hit me!

Bobby Vardar said...

OMFG! You don't, do you? I thought you, of all people, would share pain...

Previously, on "Jungathon"...