
Camille wanted two images to illustrate her submitting her research but then worrying about it at night. It immediately suggested the classic Charlie Brown bedroom scene.

I've never tried to pastiche Schultz before, mostly because I didn't think I could ever really make a decent fist of it, but I feel I did an OK job here.

image mash 2


image mash

The latest little project is to write a bash script that will combine arbitrary images from my hard drive in random ways. Ultimately, I suppose, I'd like to create a ruleset that iterates over images until some predetermined conditions are satisfied, with the expectation that this would produce aesthetically interesting results. That's the long game.

In the meantime, I've completed a small proof-of-concept that basically generates something akin to double exposure photographs. I'll put some up over the next few days, but here are a couple of failed efforts I arrived at along the way. No transparency, obvs, but I still kind of like the results.

Previously, on "Jungathon"...