Back in June I did a couple of pages from the At Abrahams night - remember?

These pages and and the photographs from the night are now on the At Abrahams website, along with the witty "logos" I show myself peering at in frame 2.

Click here to see the PDF.

Terra Catta

I was helping dig this trench, see, and it was horrible for various reasons, one of which was the clay of which the ground was made. I soon became distracted by a powerful urge to forge a feline totem from this primal substance, and Lo! it was done.

Click the image to see this beautiful objet d'art from other angles in my Flickr set.

Hummous and Jim

This is how much work I can do on a page before I hit a wall and can't be arsed finishing it. As you can see, it's frustratingly close to being done, requiring only some more details, clean up and colour adjustment and so forth.

I think I need to find a way of adding colour that's less labour-intensive, so that the effort I put in is proportional to the quality of the finished product.

Previously, on "Jungathon"...