Hummous and Jim

This is how much work I can do on a page before I hit a wall and can't be arsed finishing it. As you can see, it's frustratingly close to being done, requiring only some more details, clean up and colour adjustment and so forth.

I think I need to find a way of adding colour that's less labour-intensive, so that the effort I put in is proportional to the quality of the finished product.


Anonymous said...

I like the content and style. In terms of the colour Not so keen on the light to dark background in the 1st 3 panels though. What happened to your glasses in the 3rd to last panel? MSN soon.

Bobby Vardar said...

I'm really sceptical about gradients too, but I was trying to capture something of the winter evening atmosphere. May abandon this in future. The glasses are brown - it's actually the other panels that I failed to colourise them in. As I say, I didn't do enough colour adjustment, so this doesn't represent my "vision".

Previously, on "Jungathon"...