Chest Terrific!

The latest bit of design for Stage Blood, some wearable merchandise so that you can advertise to the world your unusually good music taste:

Mock-up T web

The final product should look pretty much as depicted. There may be a selection of colours, but I predict the red will be most people's first choice!


Anonymous said...

darker red?

Bobby Vardar said...

If it was within my power, then yes, but I'm not in charge of T-shirt procurement, and there is a budget.

But I'll tell Kearney that someone posted an anonymous comment on my blog to this effect and see if that sways him...

Mata-Mata said...

Hey there. Been offline for two weeks, as we moved and had a knightmare getting our internet set up again. T-shirt looks great. I'd be mad for a green yin - see what Kearney has to say about that. Anyway, congratulations on the design.

Bobby Vardar said...

Funnily enough he wanted green, but they were not to be had at short notice. I've not seen the final product, hopefully they turned out OK. We can probably send you one - in exchange for the JOC album!

Previously, on "Jungathon"...