Wave of the Past

I don't know about this whole "internet" thing everyone's been banging on about for the last few years - I've been thinking about it recently I don't think it's really going to take off. No, we're much better off sticking to the old-fashioned, traditional way of doing things, with interwoven fibres and pigments made from tree bark and badger teeth.

So, to celebrate the impotence of this new-fangled electronic medium, I've decided to produce a Jungathon minicomic and physically send it to people in the post. It's shaping up to be an incoherent mish-mash of events from my real "life", dreams, and other strands of experience demonstrating my increasing inability to distinguish fantasy from reality - as literal an interpretation of the hitherto meaningless word "Jungathon" as one could hope for, in other words!

Issue Zero is currently in production and I'm aiming to get it sent out to a handful of faithful blog readers for preliminary feedback on format and clarity. So if you'd like a small specimen of illiterature to while away the time it takes you to drink half a cup of tea, you'd better send me your address before the end of the month. You won't necessarily get one, I hasten to add, it all depends on who responds, how many stamps I can afford, and whether I follow through on getting the damned thing finished...

Cover 3


Anonymous said...

Allow me to be the first to offer Mr Mitchel my most sincere contrafibularities! I am anaspeptic, frasmotic, even compunctuous to have caused him such pericombobulation.

Well done captain - now get ur shizzle together!!

Richie W.

Unknown said...

hallo hallo MRM.
i trust that
a) you won't need my address to be given once again, and
b) you don't require a prod from bevill sq to know that there is a faithful jung-follower here, excited about the post.

you could tape your sample face-in to a postcard and use the secret code ! if you couldn't afford a stamp that day.


Previously, on "Jungathon"...